ANTM All-Stars…It’s Baaack!

14 Sep

Last night, America’s Next Top Model All-Stars, Cycle 17, premiered and for the first time in at least three cycles, I watched it.

Thank goodness for the ANTM makeover, because it was really a sigh, a super sigh. However, I was excited to see the All-Stars. I got to see  some of my faves (to love and hate) like:Bianca (9), Lisa (5), Bre (5), Sheena (11), Allison (12), Camille (2). Where was Jade? We needed more ignorance.

I was really happy to see Camille again, not because she was one of my favorites, but I’m always rooting for the Caribbean girl, not sorry. Unfortunately, the girl is boring, its like watching paint dry. BUT, her body is supa sick. Step it up!

Wrap up: I hate Shannon. Nicki Minaj’s butt was ridiculous, in a bad way. I hate Nigel’s hair. There were better folks to send home. Bre, grow your hair back, girl.I will be watching

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Are you rooting for Camille or is the Caribbean connection not enough?